Maybe I need a better answer to the first question.
But, seriously, I’m getting tired of the second. People generally live somewhere other than where they were born or grew up, and have gravitated to their current residence for a job, a neighborhood, or a lifestyle. Yet, nobody asks when they are leaving. Living globally, though, it’s always a question.
It may be heightened by my age and circumstances, I suppose. If I moved over on a job assignment, then I’d naturally return when it was over. If I was having a midlife crisis, maybe I’d have come to my senses. If I was serious about my patron, I’d move closer to his location.
Seriously: I’m not moving. ‘really. I like it here; I’ll make things work for everyone.
(Oh, and the answer to the first question is “I like the Dutch, the balance in life and the opportunities: I’ve set up my business here and my connections are all local now. It’s been a great place to live and, with the kids grown, it’s been a wonderful choice.” I wonder if that is how Gauguin talked about Tahiti?)