Expatica published results of their new survey for Valentines day, revealing that a quarter of women move overseas for love (vs. 11% of men). It tops lifestyle choices, retirement, weather, and culture; no mention of whether it also bests “looking for work”.
And a quick nod to the local best as well; we were all up last night watching the 5000m speed skating on NOS1, wonderful to see Sven Kramer win the gold medal.
In true expat style, I got things bought before going to the US, mailed from Denver, so returned with a clean conscience a week in advance. I’ve got most birthdays and holidays marked out far in advance on calendars: I find that things have to be prepared a couple of weeks in advance if they are going to arrive in time (and that holidays will play out over a couple of weeks as things trickle in from overseas).
Carnivale kicked off the raising of the MooseWife at the Vrijthof Square and the parade through town from the station to the center over the Stone Bridge. There were some wonderful costumes, as always, and I’ll be a day sorting picture. In the meantime, a few of the spectators lines along the bridge railing were also good sights despite the weather.