Everything is wrapping up in Arnhem this weekend: the closing party at the old division was held yesterday. It was pretty light: virtually everyone came back and it was more of a reunion than a wake. There was good food and music, a bit of entertainment, closing remarks from the senior managers. We had a thought that the best closing entertainment would be to do it ‘Vegas-style: a few fireworks and implode the building. Alas, it wasn’t to be. But it was all very nicely done, and left everyone with a good feeling about the people and their ex-roles in the organization.
I’ll also close out with the relocation folks tonight: we’re having a farewell dinner at the Watermolen to say thanks for all of the support they gave me. This was especially important in the vexing early months when I was trying to orient to living among the Dutch (while simultaneously getting my projects going at work – just my style, even then…). We’ve had quarterly get-togethers ever since to share experiences and tips. They’ve been good friends and reliable support throughout my stay: I’ll miss them.
Finally, the apartment closes tomorrow. Everything is clean and tidy, ready for the next tenant. I feel little attachment to it now: all of my things are gone and I’m feeling more comfortable about Maastricht, so there’s not the same sense of ‘home’. (I did mention that I’ve found a Quiz Night venue around the corner from the new digs?)
And there was a really bizarre piece of Random Road Art in the village of Doetinchem last night, slowing traffic as I went through on the way to the party. These still make me smile every time I find one…