Yes, this was a serious party!
‘Het Mooswief’ (the greengrocer woman) was run up the pole on Sunday morning, then King Carnivale led his (3-hour) parade through the Wyck, across the Stone Bridge, and into the Old City.
Once ignited, his party ran through the streets and into the wee hours for the next three nights, culminating in the Fat Tuesday lowering of the Mooswief in Vrijthof Square at midnight. The music and celebratory laughter echoed across the river, little bands of horns and drums rushed back and forth across the bridge, and all manner of costumed revelers ran along the Fietspad below the apartment.
The costumes were unbelievably good: people put incredible thought and subtle humor into them. My favorites included:
Amy Winehouse, released too early from rehab
The Bob Ross artists team
A banker losing his head to the downturn
Barak and Michelle on CNN Live
My favorite Dutch artifact was the ‘street urinals’ placed strategically around the old city. It was especially helpful that they labeled them with a little “Male” icon in case there was any gender confusion over their use.
‘and a link to other pictures and a good account that I enjoyed on HollandRing