The July weather has really settled in along the river, shimmering off the streets and glinting off the water.
Air conditioning is not the norm in Maastricht: the apartment temperature is controlled by strategically manipulating the windows and lighting. Metal shutters are installed on every window ( a rarity in the US), and I make the rounds a few times a day to crank them up and down to keep the direct sun out of the rooms. Still, without a breeze, there is only so much that can be done, and by 5 pm the battle is often lost.
The rains are supposed to return tomorrow and cool things down through the (shhh…4th of July) weekend. I need to crutch out and do a bit of shopping ahead of an expat bar-b-q that I’m looking forward to. And there is the endless, yet wonderful work of starting the new business.
If only ING could get their act together: 30 business days now since the initial account application, and the BVio is still waiting until I can send money *to* the bank.
PS: My US attorney just wrote to say ‘ … you are certainly missing the sun over here.’ Serendip.