I happy to have been selected as the Expat Entrepreneur this week in Expatica.nl. It’s nice to be able to give them an acknowledgement in return: I have long subscribed to their RSS feed for local Dutch news in English, and consider them a reliable source of information and tips about life in the Netherlands. They sent a questioneer a couple of months ago and it’s great to join friends like Amanda and Tiffany among their profiles of folks making the effort (and taking the risks) to start new businesses here. (Expatica mentioned that I was the only male to answer the questions: surely I’m not alone on this?)
If you are interested in the topic more generally and are a member of LinkedIn, we maintain an Expat Entrepreneurs in the Netherlands group where you’re welcome to post questions, tips, and news. The conversations wax and wane but we try to keep the level of signal well above the noise: no job tips and no spam.
Pictures today are along the Maas river north of Maastricht at the Belgian border around sunset. It’s across the water from Itteren; I’m still trying to make up my mind about whether I’m ready for village life.
I have, however, found a little pied ‘a cottage outside Cambridge to use as a part-time space during the roughly 45% of my time that I’ll need to spend in England in the coming year. Right on a village green with good connections into town, furnished, and the price was (very) right.
And, besides and apartment, I’m still looking for a car here…