We’re in the summer slowdowns in the Netherlands. The traffic is light, phone calls are increasingly yielding extended absence greetings: everyone is on their summer holidays. The Olympics are winding down and the Dutch have 20 medals so far, including a gold for the women’s field hockey team. ‘Fun to see (although, as a friend noted on my Facebook page, it’s hard to accessorize orange).
I’ve been catching up with posting late reviews to TripAdvisor, winding up some data analysis and budget planning, and looking longingly out the windows at the suddenly summer weather.
One of the good things about not having an office or employees (yet) is that I can work from anywhere that there is an internet connection. So, a simple vacation could be a change of scenery. There are spots by the Dutch seaside, perhaps Texel, that could be lovely this time of year, a few hours work in the morning; a few hours reading, walking, writing in the afternoon.
Still, work has a way of capturing the day, and a vacation really needs a a disconnect as well. Fortunately, there’s an opportunity to do a bit of sailing that would get me out on the water and off the Internet for a few days. If the late summer weather holds, it could be a really nice break: it’s been a couple of years since I last was seriously on the water.
So, I’m putting the last of the arrangements together, packing up the businesses to cope without me for a few days mid-month. Looking back across recent blog entries I’ve been writing about a lot of serious ideas. It’s a good sign that I should lighten my attitude with some fresh breezes and colorful sunsets.