I was late pulling out of Barrington – ‘had hoped to be on the road by 1 but it ended up being 1:30 for a 4 pm ferry. I was up early and working, but the refrigerator unexpectedly died, leaving me with a sea of melted ice and spoiled foods to clean up. Dartford Bridge had a 20 minute backup and I got pulled into customs for an inspection at the Dover Docks, so…well, 6pm ferry it was. A rough crossing as well, pitching and rolling into the darkness.
The ride was uneventful, apart from a brief call or two, so there was a lot of time to think. I’m finding more time spent sorting thing out, less time for podcasts, is worthwhile, still improving life’s balans and grens, balances and boundaries. (I liked Arie Bras’ relevant thought in Klaare Taal, right, too).
The New York Times suggested some sleep monitoring programs, and I’ve been experimenting with one in the Nexus. It’s sort of cool: the accelerometer in the computer keeps track of movement all night, giving a graph of how restless you are. I’m clearly still tossing every hour. Thrice-weekly lap swims are making a difference, but I’ve still got a ways to go.
The photographs of Chinese artist Wang Qingsong have also been interesting to think over. Originally trained as a painter, he arranges detailed, crowded scenes of political and social commentary that reflect contradictions in modern China. They are the sort of work that you can lose yourself in, searching out the subtle messages and connecting them together.
I got to Maastricht just after midnight, moving and unpacking until one. Fortunately, Bert at Le Cle,, downstairsm had a special biertje waiting: a limited edition Duvel Tripel Hop made with Japanese Sorachi Ace grains.
9.5% alcohol: the good stuff: ‘should iron out the sleep cycle.