Walks together bring couples together, says an article I was reading the other night. My grandparents, good German stock, would stroll the perimeter of their yard each evening; a lot of British couples regularly take walks on weekends and holidays. I’d
fallen out of the habit, time and circumstances conspiring against it, but as part of keeping work tucked into a fixed interval of the day I’ve taken it up again.
I’ve tended towards an evening stroll through the cobbled streets in Maastricht, or a morning wandelen along the ocean in Poole, but I’m enjoying the quiet time to think and to escape the computer and the phone for a bit.
This evening, preparations for the Christmas Markets are descending on the city. The skywheel is already up in the Vrijthof Square, and workmen were assembling the tree. The restaurants were decked with colour, garland draped across each street, and icicle lights swayed over the squares.
There aren’t many people about, likely the cold and economy keeping most people indoors on a Friday evening..
I shopped for traditional chocolate letters and marzipan pastry to take back to friends in England. The news from Cambridge and Delaware as been cautiously improving all week, I picked up my 5-year visa today, and we’re incorporating a new company
next week. All in all, I’m feeling fairly optimistic about the next month.
Reflections on the week, under the lights, on a closing walk: A full life, successful future, and secure relationship aren’t too much to ask for, beyond?