‘An easy drive back to the Netherlands for a few day’s work away from phones and meetings. The Eurotunnel was dirt cheap mid-holiday, speeding the journey to Calais, and traffic was light around London and Brussels. As a result, I was tucked in before midnight and up early to finish a revision of a paper and to finalize the business mailings.
Easter is a four-day holiday in Europe, extending from Good Friday through Easter Monday. The weather is warm and sunny most of the day in the Netherlands, only giving way to light rain in the afternoons. The stores are all shut, so I took an early-morning walk along the river and through town. Except for the occasional religious procession, Maastricht was mine.
Café’s filled by mid-afternoon and boats filled the slips – I finished my revisions and a few calls to the US before similarly calling it a day. There are a few big jobs that have to be completed this week, several consequential appointments, but for the most part I’m looking forward to re-establishing a work- and home-routine, balans en grenzen, that (like my container gardens) have taken a beating with recent travel.