The wind rose before the stars set on Sunday morning, rattling the windows and swaying the plants. 6 am: Blue winter sunlight streamed in the windows ahead of storm fronts expected within hours.
‘No good trying to go back to sleep, the morning would be better spent with coffee and reading at Bennett’s Lilliput café, then a walk along Saltern’s Marina.
Cold gusts raked bluffs above Lilliput, southwesterly wind filling the Harbour with whitecaps. Joggers in sheer leggings and fluorescent tops sprinted along Shore Road, down past the marinas and sailing clubs, dodging the occasional windblown spray or stray dog.
I picked up some fruits at the convenience store, then settled into the quiet coffee shop with a croissant and coffee. ‘not much in the morning’s headlines; Do we over-medicate women’s emotions (Yes), Is it selfish not to have children (No). How unique is a traveler’s outlook on life (He’s experienced different ways of being and looks at the world with the eyes of a five-year-old, curious and hungry)?
I’m taken with a piece by Lucy Kellaway, asking whetherf performance is really linked to effort. She cites a German army commander who, 100 years ago, assessed his officers according to whether they were clever or dim, lazy or energetic, to arrive at a typology:
– Dim and lazy — Good at executing orders.
– Dim and energetic — Very dangerous, as they take the wrong decisions.
– Clever and energetic — Excellent staff officers.
– Clever and lazy — Top field commanders as they get results.
Maybe more early walks are the answer, I thought, brushing crumbs off the table and heading down to the marina.
Most boats are hauled out, being cleaned and repaired for the season ahead. Along the moorages, the stiff breeze moaned resonantly through the rigging, setting wind gauges spinning and twisting atop the masts. I took a minute to chat with the harbourmaster, pick up a few details of the upcoming season.
Paradoxically, it’s the kind of day that it would be exciting to be out on the water. Its time to think about gathering some people to do some chartering and a long weekend along the Solent or in the Broads.
Fortunately, spring is only weeks away.