Once the eclipse ended and I returned to work, the skies cleared and spring arrived. Of course. Nothing to be done, though: there’s too much work left each Friday. But by 4:30, the light beckoned irresistibly towards the harbour.
‘Time for a break.
The tide was far out when I arrived at Poole Harbour, speckled sand flats reflecting orange light from Brownsea. I scrambled down to the wet sands, splashed across the fishy puddles to the yacht club’s spindly piers. A few folks clammed about in Wellies, tripods dotted the the sands, photographers jostling for the best light.
It was fun to play for an hour with light, lines, people and contrasts, splashing about in the muck beneath the docks.
I cut out towards the Chain Ferry as the sun set: the tide was really rushing in through the narrow inlet, beating against the crossing. A good chance for some emptier shots, beached bots and deserted lifeguard stations. But I’m liking the people-pictures better these days.
‘still sorting out a new camera: the choice narrowed to three and lots of discussions with friends ongoing about the relative merits of lenses, sensors, and pixels. It will be interesting to see whether better kit makes for better photos.