Dave is north and south and all about in the UK …
I took a look at my map of the past two week’s travel (left). True to my words on Skype, I’ve been all over, skirting around London between knots of activity in Poole, Caversham, Braintree, Cambridge, and Sharnbrook. It should slow down coming into the Easter holidays, and with the end of the school term, but still…
The next ten years will not be like the last ten.
I love the Dorset seaside and countryside, dotted with village, arts, walks, and festivals and villages across Dorset. But it does it work, distant and peripheral to
all of the other things important in my life here in Britain?
We want to consolidate the businesses around their manufacturing sites, with people spending time in the offices and together as a proper company. But should work dictate where I live my life?
Half-days spent on the road, twice a week, is draining me, costly to the business and inherently risky, whether sliding along winding country roads at sunrise or competing with trucks on roundabouts. But will cutting the distances traveled simply increase the frequency of trips?
There are some places that the road doesn’t go in a circle. There are some places where the road just keeps going.
Like the fictional roadsThe company is reaching some critical junctions in its growth this year, with first product entering the medical market and adoption by our first paying customers. We are beginning to transition from being an R&D company, planning our in-market organization and staffing. It, similarly, seems time for conversations and reflection to improve the balance between work and life, the integration of various threads and people, and to choose where the road will go.