British friends have been working on my use of emotive words. ‘Sad’ means distressed, ‘Concerned’ translates as very worried, ‘disappointed’ as deeply hurt. Whatever impact I think a word has, it amps up considerably when heard by British (and some Dutch) ears.
If I want to put stress onto a feeling, I tend to add great or really. Locally, though, ‘Great’ is an eyeroll at the end of the sentence (“I’m serving raw liver tonight,” Great.) and ‘Really’ is an eyebrow raise (“I like raw liver,” Really?). These intents also hold as adjectives, so That’s a great idea! and I’d really like that! carry ironic rather than enthusiastic meanings.
The learning curve will be similar with my new Greek housemates.
Emily the ballet dancer and Adonis the chef (every 61-year-old needs a pair like this) arrived Thursday, quickly settling into the Lemon Room across the hall. They cook together in a local restaurant significantly elevating the kitchen smells at dinnertime here in Parkstone. ‘not a lot of English, so communication includes enough gestures and smiles to see us through getting to know one another’s backgrounds, schedules, and habits.
I drove them in to work this morning along the way to pick up bread and batteries in Lilliput: it was spitting rain and everyone was a bit pressed because the clocks jumped ahead. The Quay was dotted with early morning joggers and rowers, the historic inns and warehouses bolted against the wind, boats silent;y bobbing at dock nearby.
‘Quay’, of course, is pronounced key along this coast, and I took an early walk beneath the grey skies, Unsettled in the words of the Met Office, who add that heavy rain and coastal gales are expected shortly.
Really, Great.